Get your ASK in here!

Submit your story!

At the heart of every persuasive presentation is an Ask. In my nearly completed book (title and publisher TBA), I explore the topic of asking as a vital mindset and skill, both personally and professionally. The book features a growing collection of inspiring stories from business leaders, entrepreneurs, celebrities, students, consumers, and people from all walks of life. Got a story? Let’s get in touch!

(See sample stories from the book.)

Ask yourself …

In my life at work, home, and beyond, what’s the biggest* thing I’ve asked for and received?

*(e.g. important, meaningful, bold, risky, audacious, rewarding, seemingly impossible, pivotal, life-changing, emotionally moving, surprising, unforgettable, “wow”)

What did you ask for?

  • Help
  • Opportunities
  • Second Chances
  • Exceptions to the Rules
  • Raises
  • Advice
  • Appointments
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Interviews
  • Sales
  • Donations
  • Dates
  • Information/Clarity
  • Honesty/Truth
  • Perks/Discounts
  • Apologies/Forgiveness

Asking puts you in the driver’s seat. You shift from Doubter to Decider, from Dreamer to Doer.

Paul Quinn

excerpt from the book