Story submission guidelines

Share your ASK story

To submit a story:

Write your story summary: a short paragraph or two is fine for now (just the gist), so we can evaluate its potential for development. Just pop it into the Story field below and send. Your personal information will not be sold to any 3rd party.

Please paste your story submission here.

Your summary should answer the following:

  • What and whom did you ask, and what, if anything, was at stake?
  • What were your feelings and expectations about asking?
  • What was the result/ impact?
  • (optional) How did you ask for it? What did you say?


  • The less predictable the results of the ask, and the higher the stakes involved, the better the story.
  • If your business is central to your story, avoid industry jargon or descriptions that could come across like a promo for your products and services.
  • Unsure whether to identify a person or business by name? Ask their permission, omit the name, or use a pseudonym (e.g. “Sam”) or general descriptor (e.g. “My client, a leading auto manufacturer …”).

Stories must:

  • be true and from your own experience, not secondhand
  • focus on asking people or organizations (the scope of the book does not include stories of asking in prayer)
  • not have previously appeared in a print or digital format such as a blog or social media post

Once you’ve submitted your summary:

We’ll let you know (either way) if we think it’s the right fit for the book. If it is, we’ll schedule a call and work with you to get further details and create a polished draft. Stories selected for publication will be at the discretion of the publisher’s content editor (TBD).

We don’t pay for submissions, but if your story is selected for publication you’ll get final approval and a bio that lets readers worldwide learn more about you including—if you wish—your website and/or social media contact info. Contributors who prefer anonymity can opt for “Name Withheld by Request.”